Mandurah Natural Therapies Centre
Helping you to
Ph: (08) 9535 9195
4 Parkview St. Central Mandurah
Welcome to Mandurah Natural Therapies Centre (MNTC)
John Holodnak welcomes everyone who is looking for alternative solutions to their challenges with their health and wellbeing. This is a community based friendly health care centre. The focus is on using natural therapies to help you, the individual,
John is not only a consultant but also a trainer, educator, coach and mentor. (Refer to other drop down menus for more information). His focus is about people.

Why should you book in to see John?
As a consultant, John is like the “one stop shop“. He has a multiple set of skills (refer to “About John”). For example, you get your health assessed and sort your muscular issues out, receive natural medicines and get directional coping strategies, etc all done by one person. Saves going to multiple consultants who have to get to know you.
As a consultant, the primary focus is about you
treating you as an individual
listening & discussing your health and what you want
looking at the cause / origins of where issues are coming from
getting you back on track to be happy and well
Something Not Quite Right Within Yourself & Can`t Put Your Finger On It Below are some of the skills that John offers to assist you get to the bottom of things:
- Iridology
- Sclerology
- Live Blood Assessment
- Health Screening Assessment
- Naturopathy
- DNA Genetic Assessment Testing
- Allergy Testing & Assessment
- Allergy Resetting & Rebalancing
- Weight Management
- Fertility and Hormonal Management
- Nutritional & Dietary Advice
- Herbal Medicine
- Homeopathy
- Homeobotanicals
- Flower Essences
- Vitamin & Mineral Therapy
- Dry Needling
- Kinesiology
- Kinesiology Body Balancing
- Kinesiology Testing
- Touch for Health
- Muscle Kinesiology
- Bowen Therapy
- Muscle Retensioning Technique
- Counselling
- Facial and Body Structure Self Understanding Readings
- Behavioural & Emotional Sabotage Clearing
- Life Enhancement Coaching
- Genetic DNA Health Reprogramming
- Integrative Body Rebalancing
- Body Time Clock Resetting
- Time Line Readings
NOTE – Health Fund Status
As of April 1st, 2019, the federal government has stopped the subsidy to support Health Funds and natural therapies until a review is re-examined and clearer determination are made over the next 2 years. Basically this means that no one can claim for natural therapies with their health funds for the moment.
Work with Me
The Consultant Services That I Provide
There are 4 consulting rooms which are partly or fully occupied. On board, there is Remedial Massage Therapist, Rob Webb, who has naturally gifted hands, Dietician Charlotte Rowley, Speech Pathologist Holly Salt and Physiotherapist Peri Ross. We also have Irlen Vision people Jo and Graeme Starke, that match the right colour lenses to assist switching on the brain.
They have the right energy to fit into the centre so it can buzz and cruise along.
There is always some space for the right people. Speak to John for further information:
Tel: 9535 9195 / 0419983989
Parkview St is off Pinjarra Rd, opposite the Mandurah Aquatic & Recreational Centre (MARC), behind the 7/11 Service Station. Look for the Lavender Purple Building. Parking is up the side road. The Centre / Lavender House is one block from the main shopping centre, Mandurah Forum. Bus Stops are Pinjarra Rd, by MARC, and also at the shopping centre. It is a 20 minute walk approximately from the train station.
What People Are Saying

“John has helped turn my life around from where I used to be constantly sick with colds and flus 6-8 times per year to now staying consistently healthy. Since I am constantly working around people who has some sort of sickness and can not control how they manage their health, the strategy for me is to use preventative stratgeies and raise my immune system so it deflects the ability to falling prey to sickness. How cool is that. Thank you so much.”

“I had a constantly sore lower back and neck and shoulders. No one could get to the bottom of this. I had seen many health professionals and no could touch the sides of this. John used his kinesiology skills to find out where the root cause was from. It linked to a bad fall where I was pushed and I had never sorted out the emotional venom that was associated. Once this was cleared, my body started to reset and with some Muscle Retensioning skills to rebalnce my body and posture, I now live a pain free life and have so much energy. It is wonderful to fell free. Thank you for giving me back my life. You are great and I recommend you to everyone looking for someone who does what you do!”

“I have had many health issues that appear to repeat in our family over the last 2-3 generations on the female side. Felt like I had put handcuffs on due to almost what appreared to be a family curse. I did not this to continue and especially since I was wanting to start having a family of my own, I didn`t want this to be passed on to my children. John`s DNA Functional skills along with his kinesiology sabotage clearing skills has broken the curse. I feel so different and free. I feel that I own me and have let go the ball and chain of my hereditary family`s past. Now I stat to live my life. Wow, this is magic. Working with you has been a pleasure! “

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John has been able to do wonders with getting to the bottom of challenging issues for clients. He has a good eye for looking at

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Stem Cell Therapy About 3 months ago, John decided to do Stem Cell Therapy on his knees (Land R). John had his knees gradually wear

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John has done some amazing things with his Live Blood Assessment as it shows how you are at that moment of time. What he can